The IoT is the “Internet of Things.” It is an advanced technology that has been rapidly put into practical use in recent years, such as ….
Author: TUT TEAM
Real estate tech is a coined word that is a combination of “real estate” and “technology” and is written in English as Property technology. The ….
Expectations are rising for the synergistic effects of AI and IoT The existence of AI (artificial intelligence) is indispensable when talking about IoT. Both are ….
Easily Check If System Requirements Are Met The next version of Windows “Windows 11” has been announced. The user interface has been revamped and many ….
Twitter announced on July 28 that it would cancel plans to reopen offices around the country and close its San Francisco headquarters. Companies are struggling ….
Introducing 5G frequency allocation of major telecommunications companies In 2019, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications accepted an application to open a specific base ….
The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare started the operation of the new coronavirus contact confirmation application ” COCOA “. A “contact confirmation app” that ….
“Forecasting” is a representative example of AI technology that is currently being put to practical use. The development of AI technology has reduced the cost ….
After the developer versions, Apple has released the first Public Beta of iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, releases that allow anyone to test preliminary versions ….
Now, the “revival of commerce” is happening everywhere around us. State-of-the-art digital-native brands are piloting voice commerce, holding limited pop-ups in partnership with luxury hotels ….