Smart Events: The Beauty Of Digital Events

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Smart Events: the beauty of digital events
The events sector is the sector that has suffered the most serious repercussions from the anti-Covid restrictions. But it is undoubtedly also the one that has proved to be the most open and capable of evolving by letting itself be inspired by the most innovative technological solutions.
Initially, there were events given for doomed, which instead turned into something else, gathering the interest of an even wider audience than the one who usually followed them.
Here’s who did it and was successful
Among the former, a well-established brand, even if it does not have the resources of the great fashion houses, has been able to transform the presentation of its collection into digital, and with great success, precisely during the lockdown.
Smart Events: here is the beauty of digital events
Over time, the emergency that led us to accelerate digitization has turned into a new normal.
Digital events, or Smart Events, have established themselves as valid tool in emergencies and everyday life as a solution capable of saving time, resources, and money while maintaining (and sometimes developing) a high empathy.
The digital transformation of events can change our point of view on what can be done to bring new customers closer, strengthen relationships with those already acquired, and affirm an innovative and competitive image of our company.
With these assumptions, all companies open up infinite possibilities to enhance their business, products, and ability to solve problems: all elements that can be reviewed, modified, and improved from a digital point of view.
Let’s go back for a moment to physical events (fair, meeting, congress, or other): the thing that strikes us most is the possibility of exploiting the emotional element deriving from being in many people, at the same time, in the same physical space.
A live event often has the characteristics of a real ritual, especially if it is rooted in memory and culturally shared.
We were already virtual and didn’t know it
However, if we think about it, some of the most sensational and engaging events in our recent history have all been experienced in virtual form (digital came later).
Smart Events: emotions at limited costs
Today this level of emotional participation, but also of effectiveness since we are also talking about corporate events, can be found in the digital events that Covid has taught us to appreciate and understand a little more.
The difference is that, while those mentioned previously are events of a planetary nature, the costs of which are impressive (however parameterized to the number of the public) today, thanks to the simplifications introduced by digital technology, we can offer “democratic” digital events.
Precisely because they are highly customizable and tailor-made for each company, starting from its needs and objectives. In fact, according to Talkwalker studies, an online event allows savings of up to 75% of the total cost of implementation: personnel, venue, set-up, food and accommodation costs for the participants, and travel costs.
The modularity of a digital event allows you to start from simple instruments and settings to arrive at very complex productions.
What matters is the planning of the whole event, from its conception to the planning of contacts with the possible public, to the routes for getting spectators to attend the event, up to the essential follow-up that consolidates the relationship with each of the participants.
In organizing a digital event, the preventive analysis of the public and its behaviors and habits is essential to reach a target highly interested in our proposed themes. In this way, the effectiveness of each action is maximized.
Pay attention to the analysis
It is necessary to devote all the required time to this phase to direct subsequent efforts, helping identify the communication codes and the appropriate tools to reach and address one’s public most effectively.
Digitization also allows us to expand our commercial plans immediately.
For this reason, if before a medium-sized fair had a specific geographical area of reference, now a virtual event can immediately be thought of as international.
Programmable commitments
Furthermore, unlike a physical event, the number and level of content that can be provided for each audience we want to reach can be programmed in a virtual event. Also, in this case, aiming to maximize the final result, be it awareness or commercial.
Finally, let’s reflect: in a digital event, any participant allows us to access an impressive amount of data that can be used immediately for any measurement or metric.
And this is an extraordinary strategic and competitive advantage for establishing oneself in one’s market: knowing cultures, behaviors, habits, and purchasing paths is essential for excelling in any sector.
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