2023: Where Will Social networks Go?

One thing characterizes social media:
Social networks: At the beginning of each year, according to marketers’ analyses, they want to completely transform themselves, bringing new trends to our attention. Sometimes it’s true, sometimes it’s not, because going into further analysis, the news is not always as relevant as they say”.
In any case, these are developments to which attention must be paid. So let’s see what 2023 has in store for us and how these changes can be used to refine the supreme art of online marketing.
Let’s start with the certainties:
The market is always looking for one and only one thing: that is to find innovative strategies and techniques to relate to your audience and new relationships. Whichever way you turn, you try to evolve the relationship with the customer, who, from time immemorial, has always been on the pedestal of attention.
However, since everything is measurable on the web, one of the first concerns that torment marketers (and their sales skills) is understanding which metric scales to adopt to understand whether a campaign works.
“I Like”
In this sense, one of the first metrics to have gone into the attic is that of “likes”. Given that Instagram and Facebook have compressed the value of “likes” for marketers, today’s concern is understanding what is being said rather than how many people look at a post.
And here the matter gets damned difficult: everyone can count (and assert) 1,000 or 10,000.
It is another thing to give value to a fundamental, rather ethereal concept such as that of reputation. And here, the challenge becomes heavy, made up of crossings of data and projections.
The person is always the center of attention: conversations have become dialogues. And the main problem is understanding how to foster dialogue with individuals and their network of relationships.
It is, in fact, evident that there is a universe of individual people intertwined with galaxies of cultural tribes (meaning, by this term, all that complex of knowledge/fads/trends that constitute the background of a community). These homogeneous groups are sometimes self-referential and eager for an exclusive conversation: for this reason, Instagram has made it possible to show your Stories only to a small group of friends.
2023: where will Social networks go?
These characteristics have supported the development of a new trend:
Social networks have also become markets; today, “social shopping” extends its meshes even deeper (and wider).
And if Facebook also offers the possibility of dynamically personalizing shopping experiences, Instagram confirms itself as the channel that, zpar excellence, confirms the greatest potential for sales.
On the other hand, LinkedIn has evolved into one of the main showcases to help B2B companies showcase their products. But it is essential to have a clear strategy for using this social channel: too often, LinkedIn is transformed into a sort of container for commercials, debasing its potential and forcing investments that are not always prudent which then, due to poor results, risk demoralizing who makes them.
Also Read : The Role Of Big Data, Mobile Apps, And The New “Era Of Marketing”